Песенки для детей — Fixies Theme Song ( The Fixies Fixie Dittie)

Песенки для детей — Fixies theme song ( The Fixies Fixie Dittie)
(From the hit series “The Fixies”).
Отличная фиксипелка на английском языке!

Can you believe that Fixies are
Such itty-bitty creatures?
Even when they’re magnified
It’s hard to see their features.

They’re tiny, infinitesimal.
So small it makes you doubt.
But if you meet a Fixie, please
Don’t let their secret out!

They take care of our machines
Irons, phones, and toasters
MP3s and TV screens
Even rollercoasters.

Without them clocks stop ticking;
Without them lights go out!
But if you meet a Fixie, please
Don’t let their secret out!

I almost caught one yesterday,
I chased him but he fled.
But if I told my dad he’d say,
“It’s all inside your head!”

You really cannot catch them,
Or find their whereabouts.
But if you meet a Fixie, please
Don’t let their secret out!

Fixies have a special sign
I happened to discover.
They hold three fingers in the air
And flash it to each other.

They send their greetings to you,
They sing them and they shout.
But if you meet a Fixie, please
Don’t let their secret out!

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Песенка для детей Магазин http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu58vWRgZUE
Песенка для детей Осень http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYpdk_mYSGQ
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